The first thing I do when I get up in the morning is stand on my tip-toes and look out the window facing the barn. I see the big barn doors that Kurt made. They have criss-crosses on them just like I wanted. Pretty soon I will paint them, red with white trim. I see the green lawn and green pastures with white mist floating on top like a ghost’s blanket.
I see the horses. Bullet and Lowdown but not Harley because we’ve been keeping him on the other side at night and you can’t see that side from here. I don’t know if I can actually see the lilac bush on the front lawn from this spot or I just know that it’s there, but it’s got big purple blossoms on it shaped like horns of plenty.
When I come downstairs I definitely see the lilac bush that’s by the kitchen window.
Yesterday when we had the window opened because the weather was so nice, you could smell the lilacs in the house. I picked some and put them in a vase.
I was so happy when we got this house and I discovered that I had two old-timey lilac bushes. I texted Kurt, “These lilacs are making me horny.” I knew he’d get a kick out of that, plus it was true, maybe not in a direct way, but indirectly, like how being able to pay bills gets me horny or riding the horse gets me horny—if I feel good, I’m much more likely to want sex. When he came up to the bedroom last night, he brought a lilac with him and dangled it over my nose. Then he gave me a massage because my back hurts and we made love.
That was the last thing I did last night.
You've got lilacs out??? Your "estate" sounds absolutely wonderful!
And so does Kurt! ;)
Our lilacs are just starting to bloom. Love how they smell. Your barn looks wonderful.
Ah, I want to smell your lilacs because its likely mine won't bloom this year....
Your place is lovely. I'm so happy for you being happy.
Still in love after all of these years. Very nice story Deb.
Still in love after all of these years. Very nice story Deb.
Have I ever mentioned I hate the smell of lilacs? I planted some for my mom this spring because she loved them. I don't think they made her horny though.
i love this post! i love that you appreciate the little things. making love is good for the soul! you are too fabulous. xo
I don't know how I missed this post. So glad your life is working for you.
Thanks guys!
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